Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Gulf World Rescues Stranded Dolphin

Gulf World Marine Park responded to a call about a stranded dolphin at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday morning located at St. Andrews State Park.

A team was sent to assess the dolphin's condition.  When the team arrived on site they discovered it was an adult female Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis) that is approximately six feet long. The team then brought the dolphin to Gulf World's Stranding Facility where Dr. Lydia Staggs collected samples to send to the lab for further analysis.  She also conducted an ultrasound on the dolphin and discovered internal inflammation in the abdomen.

Hubbs -Sea World Research Institute in Orlando, which is one of our standing network partners, has agreed to drive to Panama City Beach to transport the dolphin to Orlando for further rehabilitation.  Gulf World does not currently have space available to continue the long term rehabilitation of the dolphin.

Dr. Staggs reports that the dolphin is being monitored overnight and is in guarded condition.


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