Friday, 27 January 2012

Dolphin: Prince's birthday event, Aichi / day at the Mihama

World record in the dolphin breeding hybrids in Mihama-cho Minamichita Beach Land "Prince" celebrating the 27th birthday of 19 years, the event will be held 27 to 29 interact with pudding.

Purine females born between mother and father of Risso's dolphin and bottlenose dolphin. According to the beach land, hybrids are often short-lived, active in the pudding is in the energy dolphin show.

Event will present a favorite food cake made with squid "Birth Festival Award" and "Birthday Party" among others. Birthday party songs in chorus, and kissing Prince, and able memorial photography, 10 participants come basis, to 1,000 yen Elementary. [] A. Arai


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