Sunday, 22 January 2012

Eastern's largest aquarium 'Marine Science Cheju June debut

Direct translation from Korean:

Jeju the largest aquarium in the East ', Jeju Ocean Science' as early as June this year, the grand appearance that is expected to be released.
서귀포시 성산읍 고성리 127-1번지 일대 9만3685㎡ 규모로 건립되는 제주해양관은 2008년 제2차 국가균형발전위원회에서 선정한 '광역경제권 30대 선도프로젝트' 사업으로 추진되고 있다.

Jeju Self-Governing Province, ordered the first private investment in the property business (BTO) is also.

Total of 122.5 billion won (103.1 billion won private investment) invested in the business started in 2009, is expected to be completed in June this year.

State of Marine Science (CEO giminnyeon) are engaged in the merchant marine aquarium hall and marine ecology, marine facilities such as theaters with plans to operate as a professional hyuyangeop.

In particular, containing 450 species of marine life species will show galleries. Dolphins, walruses, seals and a variety of theater performances unfolding chapters to attract domestic and foreign tourists expected to be a leading tourist attractions are.

Self-Governing Province of Jeju next month in this business for free international city through a comprehensive examination of the Council specified in Jeju investment promotion district plans.

Maritime Museum of the future employment of 142 people in more than 80% of hiring local residents that the plan is expected to create jobs are being followed.

Ohseungik Jeju Free International City general manager, "Until now, the Jeju Development of the 23 different projects for the investment promotion district are given in 1.13 trillion won of investment to look at the effect," said, "In the future, Jeju Investment Promotion Zone specifies the target business improve the investment environment, including additional excavation will also actively support the I, "he said. "Headline Jeju


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