Thursday, 15 December 2011

Bjorne is rescued by SOS Dolfijn

12.15.2011 Around one o'clock in the afternoon the beeper at SOS Dolphin.
There's a porpoise found living on the beach of Texel.
Salko de Wolf, assistant to Ecomare, was en route to a dead porpoise on the beach to get. Arrived at the beach suddenly he saw a porpoise living in the surf.
Ecomare The porpoise is placed in a special crate and transferred by boat to Den Helder. That is the sick animal was transferred to employees of SOS Dolphin Foundation.
Around six hours, the porpoise at Harderwijk.
Here is the animal examined. The porpoise is a male of 120 inches long and is very dehydrated and emaciated.
He has been named Bjorn and is supported in the tank because he is not able to swim independently. Bjorn does seem a bit self-bobbing and gently make swimming movements.
He received fluids and medications administered.

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