Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Amazing Whale Rescue

Environmental Issues – With all the stories in the news lately about beached whales dying, it’s nice to have a happy story about a whale for a change. Michael Fishback, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), saved a young humpback whale from certain death.
Fishback (great name btw) and his crew found the whale floating in the water barely alive. After jumping in the water to investigate, he found that the magnificent creature was tangled in a nylon fishing net, preventing it from moving its fins and tail.
The crew worked diligently for more than an hour to cut and pull the whale free from the net, and once they made the final cut, the whale swam off, but not before treating the crew to an amazing show of gratitude.
Clean up after yourself people. Fishback may not always be there to rescue an animal from your stupidity.


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