MEP has banned the removal of the natural environment of cetaceans. This means that the dolphins are no longer able to acquire new pets from the Black Sea. However, the release of those already in captivity, no one needs. Decision was made to protect the population of the Black Sea dolphins from extinction. But will the document to stop delfinotiraniyu, Christina found out Suvorin. From 30th to 60th years of last century in the Black Sea were caught accelerated pace. These animals are not used for the treatment of: canned meat went on, and made soap out of fat. Even suggested that from them more harm. Formerly considered a legal catch. If the dolphin is injured and he needs help. But then the animal must have been released into the sea. The process is difficult to control. And it was a loophole in the law. Domashlinets Vladimir, head of wildlife protection, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources: - Pіd reabіlіtatsіyu viluchalis zdorovі delfіni i potіm vikoristovuvalis in the show. Tse mean scho Mіnprirodi not bude vidavati zhodnogo Permit to viluchennya delfіnіv s navkolishnogo seredovischa. However, this does not mean that dolphins in captivity, we must now go. Even more so - the scientists say - the animals have already forgotten how to produce their own food and are not prepared for life in a big pack. Kozunova Rita, a researcher at Sevastopol dolphinarium artbuhte: - Release into the sea - it's like to kill ... Dolphins from dolphinarium eat frozen fish. They are accustomed to a very narrow space. A total of dolphinariums country - 120 Red cetaceans. 's a stack of documents - data last check ekoinspektsii. None of the deaths of marine mammals are not officially registered. But to prove that one dolphin died, and another in his place - almost impossible. When comes to revision - can not tell - Dolphins went on tour, but be sure to come back. Komarchuk Sergey, Head of Environmental Control of biological resources of the State Inspectorate - Yakscho perevіrku mi conduction in Odesі - delfіni could pereїhati in Kyiv - pіd hour perevіrki E maєmo tіlki documented pіdtverdzhennya - yakіs nakladnі - scho delfіnіv here p'yatero - dvoє poїhali in Kyiv. But the law allows the import of dolphins from abroad. For one would have to pay 100 thousand dollars plus shipping. Deputy Chairman of the National ecocenter says there is a risk that the black market in the Black Sea is now even more will go to the bottom. Vasilyuk Alex, deputy chairman of the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine: - Delfіnіv lovlyat brakonєri, abo if stench vipadkovo potraplyayut in sіtki ribalok - delfіn zaplutavsya, yogo dіstali ... Naskіlki vіdomo us on Chorny rink delfіn Mauger koshtuvati 25 tisyach dolarіv. For ribalki, yaky vipadkovo vityag s Sea 25 tisyach dolarіv, TER Tse podarunok. Ecocenter National held an independent inquiry. In all 15 dolphinariums have sent a request to a request to clarify - from dolphins. Not one responded.
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