Sunday, 2 March 2014

24 February to 02 March 2014


Whale graveyard shows mass stranding of species millions of years ...

Alaska wants the humpback whale off the Endangered Species list

'Unbelievable' Shocked motorists left sickened at 50ft rotting sperm ...

Humpback whale 'performs' for fishermen

Woman gets slapped in the face by a whale

Freediver poses for a selfie with giant sperm whale

Vancouver Aquarium's new whale whisperer will continue to pursue ...

More Whales Slaughtered in Whale Sanctuary

Whale sighting made off coast of Maui

SeaWorld Files Complaint Against OSHA Investigator

SeaWorld dolphin bites nine-year-old girl during family visit to Texas ...

Drone Captures Dolphin Stampede Off Southern California

Govt plans dolphin watch centre in Etawah

Blast fishing seen cause of dolphin stranding

Dolphin-Killing Season Ends Early in Taiji

Millions of dolphins could be hurt as oil industry blasts along East ...

Ukraine to debate giving human rights to dolphins

Nellie, the World's Oldest Dolphin in Human Care, Turning 61

Baby dolphin born at SeaWorld Orlando's Discovery Cove

Injured dolphin learns how to paint

Canadian navy cleared in orca death

Did a Wild Orca Really Attack a Diver in New Zealand?

Dead orca on Long Beach: Underwater explosive, sonar ruled out ...

Young Orca L-112 Was Killed by Blunt Force Trauma

Orca stranding report from NOAA

Hopes porpoise Dylan is 'Blowin' in the Wind'

Are Whales At Risk From Navy Sonar Training Plans?


Orca attacks shrimp fisherman


Fishermen stuck in Jala, Mascot Staying in Samarinda

SBY Will Inaugurate Fantasy Island


Zhangzidao waters appeared six meters long whale

Beluga whales want to grab the camera underwater (Photos)

Stranded porpoise liver damage timid blood and medical injections only

"Bycatch" dolphins to kill the captain sent to do it

Suspected to have been minced tail propeller big dolphincarcasses washed ashore

Japan argued that the hunting of dolphins Department of Fisheries and Japanese desire to seek international recognition

Porpoise rescue stranded people Relay


Dolphin can certainly fifteen days of continuous stay alert

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