Wednesday 6 January 2010

Mourning about dolphin "Paco"

Zoo: Mourning Delfin "Paco"
(Photo: WN)

Munster - "Paco" the oldest dolphin at the zoo died on Wednesday at the age of 40 years. According by the press the cause of death was cardiovascular disease due to old age.

"Paco" was lovely called "Grandpa" by his trainers, because 40 years for Paco was equivalent to 100 human years - that's a record for his species, who usually only live up to 30 years. Throughout the world the Tucuxi dolphin has been the only one of his kind outside of South America, where these species can be observed rarely.

The Tucuxi dolphins are seriously threatened by extinction. Since 1992 the dolphinarium in Munster has been coorperating with the society "Yaqu Pacha eV" for the protection of marine mammals and their habitats in South America.


Translated by Takulover.

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