Sunday, 23 February 2014

17 February to 23 February 2014


Diver survives death spiral in whale attack

Endangered Right Whale Entangled In Fishing Line

Shell to pay cost of whale necropsy

Whale washed up on Cumbrian beach

Dead whale spotted off Isle of Sheppey

Whale Rarely Seen Washes Ashore Off Connecticut Coast

Baby Humpback Whale In Maui Snuggles Next To Mom In Drone ...

Scientists count whales from space

Whale euthanasia: vets learn to kill stranded leviathans humanely

Distressed whale unable to be saved

Humpback whale disentangled off Lahaina

Sea Shepherd Locates Japanese Whale Poaching Fleet in Ross ...

Remains of dead whale removed from Portsmouth beach

Endangered whale meat shipped via Halifax en route to Japan

Public health warning as cat parasite spreads to Arctic belugawhales

Giant sperm whale on Ballycroy beach will not be buried

Dead whale washes up on north Kent beach

Cribs in senator's bill creates whale of a problem

BBC accused by campaigners of using dolphin from 'cruel' marine ...

In election year, Romania debates giving human rights todolphins

Wounded dolphin rescued in Zambo Sur

Mass dolphin deaths in Peru

Tourism and dolphins - protected only by Germany?

Stranded baby dolphin found on Pembroke Beach, Guernsey

It's Not Just Taiji: 350 Dolphins Slaughtered off the Coast of ...

Perth's river dolphins get appy with citizen scientists

Dolphin birth gives rise to marine park support

Dolphins 'suffering miscarriage, lung disease, losing teeth after BP ...

Necropsies on beached striped dolphins leave more questions than ...

BBC to examine experiment to get Peter the dolphin to speak

Dolphin beaches itself in Gearhart, later dies

Albino Dolphin: Uncertain Fate Awaits Rare Calf Captured in

New Amazon Dolphin Species Discovered but Soon May Be Extinct

Success! Captive Orcas Won't Be Displayed at Winter Olympics

Lost Orca Whale Needs Time and Food, Will Norway Help?

Empty The Tanks! Stories of 5 Orcas Still in Captivity

Experts to help solve orca mystery

Sochi's Olympic orcas are missing. Have they been smuggled to ...

Nine Killer Whales Die In Rare Mass Beaching in New Zealand

Lonely Orca Lolita May Finally Be Going Home

Orcas hunt and kill dolphins off BC coast; rare attack captured on video

Porpoise 'slashed' in bizarre beach incident

Dead porpoise found at Battery Bay

Two porpoises found washed up on Sussex coast

Porpoises on European coasts maintain their populations but ...


Whales and Dolphins leisurely also off the coast of Ishigaki together

The large-size Uwajimawan whale Ehime to call attention after another witness

Sperm whale skeleton on display at ka-boom Suma Aqualife Park

Three years in prison for sushi offer whale meat Japanese

Planning Limited extension of business hours on Saturdays, Sundays, and spring break period of March Kamogawa Sea World ...


Dead dolphin found on a beach in Veracruz


Tourism: TUI Waived on trips to dolphin - and Orca Shows


In Sochi, one of the torchbearers will be dolphin

IFAW Whale Day calls for the rescue of these animals


Beluga whales love to steal the spotlight lens frequency grin, "smiling" sell Meng

Dolphins seal otter accurate predictions match results Sochi succession \ "octopus Paul \"

User Valentine's Day to take two white dolphins frolicking in the sea (Figure)(Photos)

Sunday, 2 February 2014

27 January to 02 February 2014


Japanese whaling ship 'attacks' Sea Shepherd boat

Rare whale washed up on Cornish beach was only second sighting ...

Killer whale activists try again to free Lolita after 43 years at Miami ...

Drone Whale Watching: Do Unmanned Aircraft Harm Marine ...

12-Million-Year-Old Whale Skull Fossil Found Hiding In Plain Sight ...

Sea Shepherd shuts down Japan's whale hunt

Stranded baby whale rescued in lagoon

Rarely Seen Whale Courting Ritual Spotted Off SoCal Coast

Will orcas be put on display at Sochi?

Amazing footage shows humpback whale almost capsize kayaker in ...

BP Oil Spill Linked To Sick Dolphins In Report

The 'Denmark Dolphin Slaughter'

Woman dubbed 'Dolphin Whisperer' after amazing encounter off ...

Boaters need to be mindful of dolphins

Taiji - Japan's dolphin slaughter continues

Dolphin Circuses Defy Ban

Visiting orca draw a crowd

Data shows endangered orca cruised Salish Sea

Porpoises on European coasts maintain their populations but ...


Sperm whale skeleton on display at ka-boom Suma Aqualife Park

Baby dolphin : name I decided - Chiba Sea World / Kamogawa

Right whale off the coast of Amami confirmation endangered, nine years since Heisei


About 500 dolphins died on the coast of Peru


A dolphin carrying the Olympic Torch?

Two Men Arrested that fished a Dolphin in Valparaíso

Dead dolphin appears in Rio Verde


Mainland "Sea World" listed in Hong Kong intends to raise about 2 billion

BP oil spill one year after the Gulf of Mexico dolphin born abnormal tooth


Beached dolphin raises questions